Monday, November 8, 2010

A Letter to My Freshman Self

A reflection of the past four years. What I would have said to me if I knew what I know now.

It's time to step out of your comfort zone and enter into collegiate bubble.  Explore your surroundings as much as possible and don't be afraid to meet those who are unlike you.  Learning to understand those who are different and unique to you is key to finding empathy for others and communicating effectively.

Let loose!  You are here to take class and prepare for your career, but go on spring break, go out during the week ever once in a while and stay up way too late with your friends eating junk food and gossiping about fraternity boys.  I promise you will still pass your classes after skipping a few, so don't stress about every time you sleep in.

Take the time to get to know those in your dorm and don't let opportunities in greek life pass you by.  Go through formal recruitment!  Grasp a better understanding of sorority life before you actually enter it so you can appreciate it faster.

Improve upon your insecurities.  Don't let the drama of high school follow you, so start fresh as a new person.  Take the time to find yourself while holding true to the values you were raised on.

Eat Macateria breakfast WAY more.  It will soon no longer exist before the afternoon, and you won't be able to eat giant cinnamon rolls before your 8:30 a.m. biology lab.  Take advantage of the Kappa kitchen and meet the upperclassmen, that house will soon be the closest thing you have to home.

Savor the weekend moments you can barely remember, join a select few organizations and become active as a freshman, take the initiative to get an internship after your freshman year, and look for a job on-campus this year (you will really be able to use the extra cash).

Lastly, let those around you know you appreciate them, don't talk about others behind their back, take classes you will actually enjoy, add some electives into your schedule and don't take everything too seriously!

You are going to survive, so enjoy these fun-filled, four years as much as possible!


Posted by: Taylor Ray

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